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D 3.2.1 - Basic BETs configuration and typical combinations 

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Planning for preparedness for multi-hazard disasters can test abilities to mitigate damages and built resilience, using disaster scenarios simulations. Among risk-prone assets, the open spaces (OSs) have a significant role in the characterization of the built environment (BE) and represent the relevant urban portion on which to develop multi-risk scenarios.

The aim of the report is to elaborate ideal scenarios, namely Building Environment Typologies (BETs), for simulations related to the safety and resilience of BEs in emergency conditions through behavioral approach.


The investigation is conducted through the GIS data collection of the common characteristics of open spaces, identified in 5 parameters considered relevant by the scientific literature. These data were processed through non-hierarchical cluster analysis. The results of the cluster analysis identified five groups of OSs, characterized by specific dimensional and functional characteristics.

Combining the outcomes of the cluster analysis with critical analysis, nine final BETs were identified. Thus, the multi-risk scenarios identified through the statistical analysis laid the basis for future risk assessments of BE based on peculiar characteristics of the Italian towns.

The results will also provide a comparative assessment of the influence of the features of the OS on both each single risk and the overall multi-risk.


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