The Politecnico di Bari is a public institute promoting highly qualified research and offering both undergraduate and postgraduate degrees. Over the last five years, the Polytechnic has carried out about 20 projects funded by the European Community (e.g., FP7 and INTERREG), 30 projects funded by the National Government (e.g., Ministry of Education, University and Research and Ministry of Economic Development) and 50 projects funded by the Region Council.
The Department of Civil, Environment, Landscape, Building Engineering and Chemistry (DICATECh) has a research and teaching portfolio, including Building Technology, Physics and Production, Town Planning, Architectural Representation and History of Architecture, with specific focus on the sustainable conservation of the built heritage.
The research group of DICATECh, participating in the present proposal, has a well-established experience in the following areas: energy retrofitting of buildings; sustainable design, ecological quality and European certification; Life Cycle Assessment; BIM methods and tools for management of new and existing buildings; methodologies and techniques for onsite building diagnostics and monitoring, including photogrammetric survey by Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) for 3D reconstruction within augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR) environments; refurbishment and renovation of the historical built heritage, with specific focus on materials, technologies and functions; recycle and reuse of materials and products for sustainable building refurbishment; microclimate monitoring and control for indoor comfort.
Today, the Laboratory of Building Technologies is the most active in these goals. Here, 1 full professor, 3 associate professors, 1 professor assistant, 5 research fellows, 3 PhD students and 1 technician work in the laboratory.