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The potentialities

BE S2ECURe is aimed at developing, for the first time, a novel holistic approach for resilience assessment and resilience improving strategies/solutions evaluation of BE by jointly considering architectural, performance-based and behavioral-oriented points of view. According to current and forthcoming H2020 calls goals and to previous sections 2 and 3, BE S2ECURe will surely fill the current gap within present methods having the same aim, thus certainly increasing the knowledge on the topic. In fact, it will allow improving the integration between processes of knowledge, evaluation, control and management of BE in case of risks due to SUOD/SLOD, in (over)crowding conditions and by considering users’ typologies behavior too, by providing: guidelines on data collection, experimental analysis definition, design and assessment tools, proposal and effectiveness evaluation of performance-increase interventions.


Possible potentialities of the project approach and results will concern: 

  • the Built Environment:

    1. resilience-increasing interventions on BET by extending their design according to typological categories

    2. BE planning starting from its layout up to composing elements (at micro-scale, but with potential impacts to the whole urban scale) that can be combined to definition of priority interventions maps 

  • the man-Built Environment interactions

    1. designing interventions by considering possible inhabitants’ emergency choices in different scenarios and hazards, to avoid wrong evacuation choices (e.g. hesitating in dangerous areas, time-wasting behaviors) for exposed population

    2. provide fundamental bases (i.e. ontologies, system architecture) for developing smart spaces, building components/devices and apps that could effectively interact with users because they could understand 

    3. human actions in emergency and adapt themselves to provide the effective support to exposed individuals 

    4. promote widespread practices for inclusive and active involvement of self-conscious users in risk scenarios and emergency conditions, by means of proposed training actions and practices able to reconcile interactive, multi-sensorial, multi-media communication and a participatory process of responsibility and awareness

  • legislative aspects

    1. ensure implementation and improvement of standards focused on BE B-based resilience and well-being, by means of metrics and guidelines

    2. promoting a rating system assessing/certifying the BE resilience by jointly considering the occurring SUOD/SLOD

  • practitioners’/stakeholders’ commitment:

    1. support professionals in the field by developing toolkits and guidelines for: data acquisition, restitution and critical interpretation of information related to the confined spaces; decision-making and sources management; user’s behavior modelling and analysis by including advanced VR/AR and HBIM solutions

    2. promote assessment/control of flows and crowding conditions, and assistance to human behaviors, even in presence of users with limited familiarity with places and contexts with potential functional-distribution constraints to the endowment of conventional devices and protection systems

The project impacts

Scientific [SCI], Technological [TEC], Social [SOC] and Economic [ECO] impacts of the project will can involve:

  • move from a 3R to a 4R approach by adding Redundancy to resilience criteria. Such redundancy implies resilience improvement because safety-increasing strategies are allocated to different elements in the BE, to guarantee that at least one of them will be surely effective. They will mainly concern: interventions on BE; users’ training; proactive engagement of users by means of future interactive devices/building components [SCI+TEC]; 

  • enhance safety of citizens and assets in BE, through awareness-raising processes and citizens’ training in the implementation of conscious and responsible use behavior [SOC]; 

  • improve prevention/preparedness/response in line with EU and UN approach to Disaster Risk Reduction and community resilience criteria [SOC]; 

  • reduce socio-economic impact of emergency on urban areas, by both considering SUOD/SLOD [SOC+ECO]; 

  • increase our capacity to anticipate, prepare and respond to SUOD/SLOD occurring in BE through better risk assessments, improved decision-making and planning, including an improved use of existing; 

  • assets and logistics [TEC+ECO]; 

  • enhance capability to deploy emergency and crisis management assets in real situations [TEC]; 

  • link specialists/professionals, public bodies, first responders, researchers and citizens, also by ensuring the interoperability of project results with external platforms/catalogues [SOC]; 

  • share data between municipalities, Civil Defence organizations, urban planners, architects, population [TEC+SOC]; 

  • enhance technical and scientific skills of researchers, also in view of technological transfer and industrialization actions (i.e. spin-offs,patents) [TEC+ECO]; 

  • develop methods and high innovation tools/systems that can be applied on a large scale and similar fields (i.e. affected by human factor influence) [SCI+TEC]


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(make) B uilt E nvironment S afer

in S low and E mergency C onditions

through behavior U ral assessed / designed  Re silient solutions


MIUR  Grant number: 2017LR75XK

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