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D4.2.2 – SUOD: B-based KPIs per determinare la resilienza delle BETs

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When assessing the safety of the built environment (BE), it is crucial to consider the relationship between the physical space and the users occupying it. The evacuation process represents the most critical phase for user resilience in a built environment exposed to risk, especially for sudden-onset disasters (SUOD), as environmental conditions are rapidly disrupted by the event.

The need for a quantitative tool to assess disaster resilience and user safety in BE open spaces passes through the definition of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).

This deliverable aims to define a system of KPIs to assess the resilience and safety of users to SUODs, in particular to seismic and terrorist risk.


The KPIs developed were tested on the idealised cases of the BETs defined in D3.2.1 to compare different risk scenarios, highlighting similarities and differences, and to optimise the design of mitigation solutions. 


The results show the possibility of using KPIs to quantify the safety and resilience of users with respect to behaviours related to different types of disasters, constituting a necessary step towards an overall metric for resilience to SUODs in open spaces within the built environment.


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(make) B uilt E nvironment S afer

in S low and E mergency C onditions

through behavior U ral assessed / designed  Re silient solutions


MIUR  Grant number: 2017LR75XK

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