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D6.1.1 – Digital Contents for Customized Virtual Training




The effectiveness of risk communication can be achieved if the entire community have awareness
of the Built Environment and what can occur in probable multi-hazard scenario and safe behavior to be
followed. The literature review and the studies conducted in the previous deliverables (D3.2.2 and D3.3.1)
supported the identification of performance-based features and technical requirements to develop pervasive
and specific tools for virtual training aiming at retention, self-efficacy and involvement of users. At this
scope, a Virtual Environment (VE) has been developed with a central Virtual Tour of the Open Space,
augmented with evacuation path and safe behavior instructions for non-expert users, and vulnerability, risk
map and extensive models for expert users. This VE can be published on the web, with authorized access for
expert users and open access for non-expert contents, in order to be available everyone everywhere.


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