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D 1.1.2 - Characterization of significant real SUOD-affected BE  â€‹




The present report is focused on the classification of BE according to building-related typological and SUOD features.


Based on the identification of the criteria for BE risk-related classification introduced in the previous working report (D1.1.1), the research activity focuses on the definition of a form for direct survey of open spaces of the BE.


Since the wide variety of construction culture of the Italian territory, the research activity includes a process for validates the suitability of the form, applying it on eight case studies of Areal Space (AS): Caldarola (MC), Matera (MT), Narni (TR), Ostuni (BR), Rieti (RI), San Gemini (TR), San Giovanni in Persiceto (BO), and Trani (BA). After the validation activity an optimize form is presented. Moreover, in order to choose three representative case studies for the next phases of the research, the report analyzes and compares the collected data on the eight ASs and selects the most appropriate based on specific parameters.


The report presents the three selected case studies in appendix (i.e. Caldarola, Narni, and Matera), describes their specific Built Environment and the related SUODs risk analysis using the form previously defined.


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(make) B uilt E nvironment S afer

in S low and E mergency C onditions

through behavior U ral assessed / designed  Re silient solutions


MIUR  Grant number: 2017LR75XK

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