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D 3.3.2 - Case studies SUOD (RM) and SLOD (MI) data collection report

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The methodology set up and validated in the D3.3.1 for the BIM modeling of the BE (D3.1.2) and the implementation of the related risk parameters (D3.2.2) is here applied to a selection of three case studies.

These case studies were chosen to represent different multi-hazard conditions (S+P, S+H, and T+H+P), identified as the most probable conditions (D3.2.2), and different BET (D3.2.1). The selection also considered the feasibility or availability of laser scanning surveys, exposure data, and climatic data.


For each case study, the workflow encompasses the following phases: scan-to BIM modeling, parameter organization based on each multi-hazard combination, data collection, and data implementation with Dynamo setting, which allow automating the calculation of the values of some parameters. Describing the procedure of the digitalization of the three squares, this deliverable supports the following steps of the research, among them the extraction and data analysis of the case studies (WP4, T2), the definition of solutions for the improvement of BET resilience (WP5, T2), and the virtual training tools development (WP6, T2; WP7, T1).

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(make) B uilt E nvironment S afer

in S low and E mergency C onditions

through behavior U ral assessed / designed  Re silient solutions


MIUR  Grant number: 2017LR75XK

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