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Writer's picture: BE S2ECUReBE S2ECURe

The second years' results of the BE S2ECURe project have been presented at the SEB21 conference in the IS08 special session "Sustainable Solutions for Built Environment Resilience and Safety" chaired by Dr. Alessandro D’Amico, Sapienza Università di Roma-Università Politecnica delle Marche (Italy) and Dr. Gabriele Bernardini, Università Politecnica delle Marche (Italy). The virtual conference has been organized from 16 to 17 September 2021.

2 works discuss the risk-affecting features of the Built Environment towards a multi-risk approach as pursued by WP3 and WP4 actions ("Towards a multi-risk assessment of Open Spaces and its users: a rapid survey form to collect and manage risk factors"), and a quick methodology to collect data in a real-world context in case of heatwaves and pollution emergencies, and including the Built Environment users' features ("Merging heat stress hazard and crowding features to frame risk scenarios within the urban built environment").

More info on SEB20 at:

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(make) B uilt E nvironment S afer

in S low and E mergency C onditions

through behavior U ral assessed / designed  Re silient solutions

MIUR  Grant number: 2017LR75XK

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