In this very hot summer, increasing temperature scenarios are altering how we are using open spaces of our cities.
The national BE S2ECURe project tried to investigated this issues.. and the question was... "how could increasing temperature can alter the risk of terrorist acts in hstorical squares?"
A Simulation-Based Approach was then developed and applied in Typological Italian Squares, by pointing out the main impacts of open spaces layout and terrorist events on users' behaviours and final safety level.
Following the results of WP4 and WP5, the first version of the work with prof. Enrico Quagliarini, Eng. Gabriele Bernardini and Prof. Marco D'Orazio (UNIVPM) was presented at the ReUSO conference in Porto. Now a post-conference publication has been completed and accepted in a HERITAGE MDPI Scopus indexed journal, within the special issue Heritage | Special Issue : Protection of Cultural Heritage from Natural and Manmade Hazards (
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